The year was 1908. In the countryside on the island of Funen in Denmark the son of a skilled cabinetmaker was born. His name was Helge Sibast. Helge Sibast grew up and became his father’s apprentice. He worked hard, dedicated and soon developed skills of high-quality craftsmanship. He took over his father’s business and began expanding. Thinking about craftsmanship in a new way. He had a natural sense for challenging wood as a material and began creating his own designs. 

By the 1950’s and 60’s he had created a furniture factory employing over 120 craftsmen crafting some of the finest furniture in Danish design history. The furniture was sold around the world. The company was called Sibast Furniture.

  • A close up of a SIBAST ALPACA HERRINGBONE THROW blanket featuring Gestalt Haus. A close up of a SIBAST ALPACA HERRINGBONE THROW blanket featuring Gestalt Haus.



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